vote for life

9 05 2008

For whom will you vote?  For whom will I?

I have one criteria by which I vote.  I vote for life.  Besides God, Who is the source of all value and is Himself the greatest treasure, nothing is more valuable than human life.  Why?  Because the Scriptures uphold that we were made in the image of God.  As His image bearers, we have great worth.  We are not the most valuable persons (God is), but we are the pinnacle of His creation.  I am not a humanist, I don’t think that humans are supreme, except insofar as Jesus was and is human, but I do recognize that the Bible gives primacy to humanity over the rest of creation.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.  – Genesis 1:27

Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image.  – Genesis 9:6

Taxes are important, gas prices are too.  Social Security reform and education are weighty matters.  However, none of these are as important as the lives of human beings, created in the image of God.

Here is where it gets tricky.  Both historic parties approach life from a different perspective.  Do we protect the lives of babies in the womb (who are alive) or do we give priority to the lives of our soldiers?  Do we protect the lives of our citizens or protect the lives of the citizens of other countries?  Do we focus on the here and now or should we devote ourselves to protecting future generations? 

I am not trying to convince you to vote Republican or Democrat (as a pastor I don’t think I can), but I do hope that you will filter your vote through the lens of the priority of human life.

Please, please do not vote on the basis of what puts the most coin in your pocket or the most gas in your tank.  Doing so may put bodies into graves.  Think long and hard about it and ultimately, regardless of who you vote for, vote for life.




3 responses

14 05 2008
Kristen Tonne

Loved the post Geoff. That is an important issue to me too. And I am having trouble with all the candidates, because of that. But Matt did tell me that John McCain is pro-life, so that is good. At least one of them is. A great website to check out is . Ridiculously good pro-life website.

15 05 2008

What a fantastic way of looking at this election! How could I miss something so basic and so dear to my heart? As you well know, this issue alone is a passion of mine and I would love to see a change in this disgusting “freedom.” Thank you for the perspective!

I agree with Kristen…..anyone who thinks that abortion is ok should check out abort73. As I spoke with my mother just the other day about this subject I became all too aware that so many poeple are simply SOOO ignorant about the subject. If only I could forget my own ignorance. Regardless of what scripture tells us, it takes a sick mind to be ok with abortion if they really know what it means.

19 06 2008

Somehow i missed the point. Probably lost in translation 🙂 Anyway … nice blog to visit.

cheers, Invidiousness.

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